Final thoughts

Author: Włodzimierz Bednarski

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Final thoughts

Although this book is not meant to be a scientific textbook, we hope it will be kindly welcomed by the medical community as a contribution to a better understanding of the problem Jehovah’s Witnesses do create as patients refusing blood transfusions.

Despite how strongly they speak against blood transfusion and its supposed violation of God’s Law, we have clearly proved in the contents of this book how unreliable they are as far as medical matters are concerned.

The low credibility of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ teaching office is demonstrated in many forms, from a ban on preventive vaccination (later reversed), changed opinions about transplantations, through diametrically fluctuating assessments on blood transfusion and hesitations concerning blood fractions. There is also no confidence in levelling the blood transfusion with the cannibalism or (oral) consumption.

Jehovah’s Witnesses, like any other patients, deserve good medical care. One must, however, be aware that their imperturbable refusal to accept a blood transfusion is not really rooted in the Bible as such, nor derived from its solid exegesis, or in-depth medical knowledge.

On the contrary, it comes from the leaders of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the so called Governing Body. Each and every faithful follower of the Watchtower religion must show an absolute obedience to it, set as the only source of truth, a channel supposedly providing information from God.

Many former and present Jehovah’s Witnesses acknowledge that members of the Watchtower organization are expected to fully accept teachings provided through the Watchtower magazine and other publications of the Watchtower Society.

Dear reader, please consider the above facts, because they help to judge whether we can talk about the competence of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ leaders in medical matters, or whether we are dealing with the strong religious leaders who do not have professional and reliable medical knowledge, but do exercise their power on the followers.

What is noteworthy in such considerations is the fact that the Witnesses are still dying because of refusing blood transfusions, and that the full number of such deaths is not accurately recorded in any statistics, though from time to time the secular media and even Watchtower Society’s publications mention several people who die in such a way. So the issue that counts is human life, and it often involves lives of young children who have the right to live and grow despite the radical religious beliefs of their parents.

May this humble work help to save even one human life.

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